Department of Business Administration

Postdoc Studies

Department of Business Administration

(Published regulation: ΦΕΚ 6121/22.12.2021)

Postdoctoral Research Regulations at the Department of Business Administration of the School of Economics & Administrative Sciences of the University of Thessaly 

Postdoctoral Studies

The Department of Business Administration has, in accordance with the current legislation and the written provisions for the strengthening of the research project, the possibility to offer post-doctoral level studies in the subjects, which fall under its research interests.

Article 1

Elaboration of Postdoctoral Research at the Department of Business Administration of the University of Thessaly 

More specifically, the Department of Business Administration (B.A.) of the University of Thessaly (UTh) provides researchers with the opportunity to conduct postdoctoral research in the subject areas that it focuses on, in accordance with the current legislation.

The main aims of the Department’s postdoctoral research are the following:

    • High-quality research

    • Developing new research fields in the Department, which are related to the subject area of the researcher’s doctoral thesis.

    • Responding to the Department’s research needs

    • Approaching and addressing the specific research areas that the Department of B.A. focuses on

    • Working on new research findings from the researcher’s doctoral thesis in areas that are related to the Department’s subject area.

    • Exchangingknow-how

    • Supporting researchers so that they can contribute to the advancement of the field and the development of research and applications.

    • Promoting the Department’s research quality and academic prestige, as well as promoting the Department’s international recognition.

Article 2

General Provisions

Postdoctoral research is an original research study, which makes a contribution to the subject area that it focuses on, by creating new knowledge in its field.

The postdoctoral research must make an original contribution to research, and its subject area must be aligned with the Department’s research interests and the subject areas that it focuses on.

Article 3

Competent bodies

The competent body for postdoctoral research approval is the Department Assembly, as well as other bodies specified by relevant laws and the UTh Senate.

Article 4

Postdoctoral Candidates

Candidates for conducting postdoctoral studies- postdoctoral research must hold a PhD from a Greek University or an equivalent degree recognised by D.O.A.T.A.P. from a foreign University in subject areas related to the Department’s subject areas.

Article 5

Application for postdoctoral research

The Department of Business Administration welcomes applications for postdoctoral research throughout the year. The researcher is required to submit an application to the Department Assembly. The requirements are the following:

    1. 1. Candidates must have a strong academic qualifications and a strong academic profile,

    1. 2. Their proposal must be acceptable and in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the present Regulation.

Additionally, a call for expressions of interest for Postdoctoral Research can also be announced and published, approved by the Department Assembly, following a Professor’s recommendation.

Article 6

Supporting documents

Candidates that are interested in conducting postdoctoral research are required to submit the following supporting documents to the Secretariat of the Department of BA:

    1. An application form stating the subject area of the study and the name of the prospective supervisor (TEMPLATE A).

    1. A Curriculum Vitae.

    1. A Copy of a Higher Education degree from a Greek University or a recognised foreign University.

    1. A copy of the PhD degree (recognised by DOATAP if the degree is from a foreign University).

    1. A foreign language certificate.

    1. A list of publications. At least two (2) of them should be published in international journals (SCOPUS indexed with Impact Factor).

    1. At least two (2) reference letters from a professor at a Greek or foreign university or from a researcher, who must be a PhD holder, at a recognized research centre in Greece or abroad.

    1. Α research proposal, which outlines the aim of the postdoctoral study, the research area, the methodology that will be used, the Department’s laboratory equipment or facilities that will be used, relevant literature review, timeline for the completion of the research project, and a description of deliverables after the completion of the study, including at least two publications in international scientific journals or conferences (TEMPLATE B).

    1. Supervisor’s confirmation that he/she agrees to supervise the research project.

Article 7

Candidate selection

The Secretariat of the Department of B.A. receives the candidates’ submitted applications and supporting documents. Each application is given a Registration number. The Assembly appoints a Postdoctoral Studies Committee that completes the qualifications check for all the supporting documents submitted. The Committee also examines if the research proposal aligns with the Department’s subject areas and then, forwards the proposal to the Department Assembly for approval.

The Assembly examines and makes a decision regarding the relevance of the research proposals to the Department’s subject areas, as well as the research areas that the Department focused on or wishes to focus on, the purpose, the duration, the stages, the expected results and the significance of the proposed postdoctoral study, in accordance with article 1 of the present document. The Assembly appoints the Supervisor (a member of the Academic), who will guide and supervise the study. Joint supervision can be arranged, with two members of the Department’s Academic Staff, or one member of the Department’s Academic Staff and one of another Department or School of a Greek or foreign University.

The Department's Secretariat posts the results on the Department's website, informs the successful applicants and invites them to register with the Department.

The Department Assembly can charge the postdoctoral researcher for the use of resources that are necessary for conducting postdoctoral research.

The Department of B.A. is under no obligation to offer postdoctoral researchers payment or reimbursement for travel expenses.

Postdoctoral researchers can apply for funding for participation in events, such as partial funding for participating in recognised international conferences, in accordance with the decisions of the Department of B.A. or the School of Economics and Business Administration of the UTh.

To renew the postdoctoral researcher status, the candidate is required to submit an annual progress report at the beginning of each academic year. The candidate prepares the report in collaboration with the supervisor and submits it to the Assembly for approval. If additional time is required, the postdoctoral researcher submits a request for extension along with the reasons for requesting the extension and the supervisor’s confirmation that he/she agrees with the above.

Article 8

Appointment of Supervisors, Academic Staff member

The successful candidates are appointed a Supervisor, member of the Academic Staff (Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in a permanent position), who will supervise the candidate's research, by the Assembly. The supervisor appointed for the postdoctoral research is the member of the Academic Staff with the same or related specialisation as the one which the candidate’s research focuses on.

Two (2) is the maximum number of postgraduate students that each Academic Staff member can supervise.

The supervisor finalises the topic of the postdoctoral research together with the candidate. After its completion, the supervisor submits to the Assembly a report of the research findings in Greek. The supervisor also organises the postdoctoral researcher’s work and guides the research by offering their scientific experience and knowledge.

The Department Assembly makes the decision on whether a change of supervisor is possible, following an application made by either the researcher or the supervisor to the Department Assembly.

Article 9

Duration of Postdoctoral research

The Department Assembly determines the duration of the research, which can range from 1 to 2 years depending on the type of research, as well as the possible types of funding (programme, scholarship, etc.). An extension beyond the (2) years can be given. The supervisor should provide a proposal for the completion of the research project and the Department Assembly makes a decision.

Start date is the date on which the Department Assembly has made the decision.

Within a period of 4 months starting from the acceptance of the candidate’s application, the candidate must submit a certificate from the University of Thessaly Research Ethics Committee or the Department of B.A. Ethics Committee approval to the Department Secretariat.

Article 10

Support work

Support academic work that is included in the Department’s first and second cycle of studies may be assigned to postdoctoral researchers by the Department of B.A., following the decisions of the competent bodies and the recommendation of the supervisor, in the first and second cycle of studies. The type of support work depends on the programmes’ needs, e.g. carrying out and assisting with tutorials and students’ laboratory work in the field, supervising exams, etc.

Article 11

Conducting Postdoctoral Research

1. Postdoctoral research should be original work and contribute to knowledge.

2. The supervisor provides the postdoctoral researcher with guidance by offering their academic experience and knowledge.

3. If the supervisory relationship breaks down, a change of Supervisor may be permitted, following a decision by the Assembly. The researcher or the Supervisor must submit an application to the Department Assembly.

4. The postdoctoral researcher must actively participate in the international academic community, participating in international conferences and seminars, aiming for the international recognition of his research with publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

5. The Supervisor submits an annual progress report, in collaboration with the postdoctoral researcher, to the Department Assembly. The report outlines the progress of the researcher's postdoctoral research in detail.

Article 12

Completion of the postdoctoral research

The collaboration of the postdoctoral researcher with the Department concludes upon completion of the postdoctoral research. In order for the process to be considered complete and for the postdoctoral researcher to obtain the certificate, at least the following must be met:

    1. The research has been completed within the time period specified at the beginning of the research.

    1. The postdoctoral researcher has publicly presented the findings of the research conducted in the Department.

    1. The postdoctoral researcher has submitted a final report for the research conducted in the Department signed by the supervisor (TEMPLATE C or D).

    1. Copies of publications regarding the postdoctoral research or letters of acceptance from journals or conferences research have been submitted, as specified at the beginning of the research.

The certificate (TEMPLATE C or D) is not a degree. It is signed by the Head of the Department of B.A., after the Assembly’s approval. The certificate states the Institution, the Department, the name, last name, father’s name, the researcher’s place of birth, the subject area of the research and its duration.

Article 13

Benefits offered to postdoctoral students

Postdoctoral researchers are granted the following:

    1. Permission to mention the Department in conferences and publications in journals and website posts.

    1. Permission to access the Laboratories and the Department’s equipment for the purposes of their research.

    1. Permission to access the Department Library and the right to borrow from the Library.

    1. Permission to access the University of Thessaly electronic services (electronic library, email)

    1. Certificate of postdoctoral research, upon completion of the research, as stated in the present Regulation.

Postdoctoral researchers: (a)  May not be remunerated from funds derived from the government grant. (b) It is possible to be paid from resources coming from funded national and international research programs, following a decision of the Department's Assembly. It is also possible to receive a scholarship from national or international agencies and institutions. (c) They may apply for funding in relation to actions foreseen based on decisions of the Department or the School or the Foundation. (d) It is also possible to participate in the procedures for granting Research Awards for the Academic Staff of the Foundation, as determined by the Internal Operating Regulations of the Foundation and the decisions of the Senate.

Article 14

Responsibilities of Postdoctoral Researchers

Postdoctoral researchers are required to:

–          Submit an annual progress report.

–          To report the details of the Department of D.E. of UTH as their academic affiliation (academicaffiliation) in each of their publications, which is a product of post-doctoral research, as well as the research Laboratory of the Department to which they have joined.

–          To state whether the postdoctoral research is funded by programs or bodies and to provide all the necessary supporting documents concerning both the finances and the obligations of the postdoctoral researcher towards this body.

–          To behave as befits a member of the academic community respecting the provision of research accommodation by the University.

–          To comply with the Code of Ethics and Conduct of UTH, as well as the provisions of the Organization and the Internal Regulation of Operation of UTH.

Article 15

Postdoctoral Researcher Transfer

If the supervisor of the postdoctoral research transfers to another Department of the UTh, the postdoctoral researcher can request to register with the new Department of the UTh under the supervision of the supervisor that moved to the new Department.

Article 16

Termination of a Postdoctoral Researcher’s registration

Postdoctoral researcher’s registration can be terminated following an application for termination submitted by the postdoctoral researcher or the supervisor, as well as in the following cases:

1. Failure to perform their duties, as stated in Article 8.

2. They act in ways that damage or harm the reputation of the Department, the School or the University of Thessaly.

Article 17

Evaluation of the Postdoctoral Research

The Department Assembly sets the evaluation criteria for conducting postdoctoral research. Evaluation criteria include: (a) the number of publications during the postdoctoral research period, (b) the number of presentations in international and national conferences. Prior to the completion of the postdoctoral research, the postdoctoral researcher is required to have: (a) proof of participation in at least one (1) international peer-reviewed conference and acceptance rate and (b) at least one publication or a letter confirming that the paper has been accepted in a peer-reviewed international journal, which should be in at least one of the catalogue systems and at least in one of the following databases: Scopus, ABS, Web of Science, και SCIMAGO. The topic of the publication should be related to the study.

Prior to the award of the degree, the supervisor submits to the Assembly a certificate that confirms that the study has been completed, justifies the originality of the research and mentions the publications that have been published as part of the postdoctoral research. The documents are submitted to the University’s research Repository and the Department’s Internal Evaluation Committee, and are taken into consideration for Department evaluation purposes. Postdoctoral researchers do not pay fees and the University is not required to provide payment to postdoctoral researcher.



    1. The Department of B.A. Assembly of the UTh approves the present Regulation that includes Regulations that specifically govern the Operation of Postdoctoral Research, which is in accordance with existing provisions, complies with the general principles of the present Regulations and includes additional special provisions relating to the Department’s specific requirements and any other relevant matter that is not addressed in the present Regulation.

    1. The specific Regulation is submitted to the Assembly for approval.

Article 19

ΕSpecial provisions

The Department Assembly addresses matters that that are not addressed in the current Postdoctoral Research Regulation or the Department Regulations.









Candidate’s full name …………………………………………

Όνομα Πατρός  …………………………………………………

Address …………………………………………………

Postcode …………………………

ID number ………………………… Issuing body …………………………

Date of Issue …………………………

Τηλ. Επικοιν. …………………………        E-mail …………………………


Undergraduate studies

ΑΕΙ ή ΤΕΙ                  ΤΜΗΜΑ     ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ          ΒΑΘΜΟΣ


1. …………………             ……………          …………………..   ……………

…………………            ……………          …………………..   ……………

2. …………………             ……………          …………………..   ……………

…………………            ……………          …………………..   ……………

Postgraduate studies

ΑΕΙ ή ΤΕΙ                      ΤΜΗΜΑ            ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ           ΒΑΘΜΟΣ

1. …………………             ……………          …………………..   ……………

…………………            ……………          …………………..   ……………

2. …………………             ……………          …………………..   ……………

…………………            ……………          …………………..   ……………

NOTE. If the degree is from a foreign university, a certificate of equivalence and correspondence by DOATAP must also be submitted





ΕΙΔΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ                              ΤΙΤΛΟΣ                     ΒΑΘΜΟΣ


1. …………………….         ………………………………………         ……………

…………………….         ………………………………………         ……………

2. …………………….         ………………………………………         ……………

…………………….         ………………………………………         ……………

3. …………………….         ………………………………………         ……………

…………………….         ………………………………………         ……………







            ΓΛΩΣΣΑ                                    ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑ ή ΒΑΘΜΟΣ ΓΝΩΣΗΣ

1. ……………………….                  ……………………………………….

……………………….                  ……………………………………….

2. ……………………….                  ……………………………………….

……………………….                  ……………………………………….






Attached supporting documents:

- Acertified copy of a Higher Education degree from a Greek University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University, recognised by DOATAP.

- A certified copy of a Master’s degree from a Greek University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University, recognised by DOATAP.

- A certified copy of a PhD degree from a Greek University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University, recognised by DOATAP

- A detailed Curriculum Vitae

- A Postdoctoral Research proposal according to the Template B

…………… Applicant…………….

Υπογραφή……………………………  Ημερομηνία …………………………………







Researcher’s full name……………………………….……………………………….

Research title …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….


Supervisor, member of the Academic Staff…………………………………………………………………………………………

Research Summary (Subject area, objectives, methodology, timeline, bibliography) (Αντικείμενο, στόχοι, μεθοδολογία, χρονοδιάγραμμα, βιβλιογραφία)






Supervisor, member of the Academic Staff ………………………….. (signatures)

Postdoctoral researcher……………………..



DEPARTMENT …………………………………

Αρ. Πρωτ.:                                                                                             Βόλος, …………


We certify that ………..……………………….of …………….completed his Postdoctoral Research entitled “……………………………………… ……………………”, which took place from……………………………………… and was financed by ………………………………..( funding body).

Ο ΚΟΣΜΗΤΟΡΑΣ                                                                           Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ

ΤΗΣ ΣΧΟΛΗΣ………………                                                        ΤΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ………



DEPARTMENT …………………………………

Αρ. Πρωτ.:                                                                                             Βόλος, …………


We certify that ………..……………………….of …………….completed his Postdoctoral Research entitled “……………………………………… ……………………”, which took place from……………………………………… and was financed by ………………………………..( funding body).




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