Department of Business Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Department of Business Administration

Question: How can I get a University of Thessaly ID account?

First-year students who register with the University of Thessaly are given a personal University ID so that they can access electronic services. The University ID consists of a Username and a password. To activate your University ID you will need to visit the Password Recovery pageYou will enter your username and password and then your new password twice. Please note that the recovery password cannot be used more than once and it expires after account activation.


Question: How can I get a University of Thessaly email account?

First-year students who register with the University of Thessaly are given an email account. The format of the email is The username is the student’s University ID Username. Users can login through their University User Account. To access your email through the website you can use the Webmail service (Webmail instructions). More information can be found in the document Email.


Question: What is eClass and how can I access the platform?

The eClass e-learning platform is the University of Thessaly’s e-learning system. First-year students should visit the eClass website ( ) and register using their University ID. Before registering, please read the Frequently Asked Questions, and more particularly, the information on eclass. After successful registration, users can login through their Institutional User Account.


Question: What is the MS Teams platform and how can I access it?

The MS Teams platform is used for distance learning. To activate MS Teams, please see the Guide.For more information on distance learning courses, please see the Guide. After successful activation and, users can login through the University ID.


Question: How can I request certificates?

Students can request certificates (certificate of studies, certificate for the Greek Army, academic transcripts, etc) through the Electronic Secretariat service.


Question: How can I get a Student ID?

First-year students register who with the University of Thessaly are given a personal General Registration Number. For first-year undergraduate students, the General Registration Number consists of 7 digits. Please visit the Academic Identity service to find your General Registration Number.


Ερώτηση: Στην περίπτωση απώλειας ή κλοπής  της  Ακαδημαϊκής Ταυτότητας  μου τι χρειάζεται να κάνω;

Σε αυτή την περίπτωση ο φοιτητής χρειάζεται να προσκομίσει στη  Γραμματεία του Τμήματος υπεύθυνη δήλωση απώλειας ή κλοπής . Το έγγραφο αυτό συμπληρώνεται και υπογράφεται σε αστυνομικό Τμήμα και στη συνέχεια προσκομίζεται στη Γραμματεία.


Question: How is the DBA Programme of Studies structured?

There are eight academic semesters. Classes meet once a week. A semester is fifteen or sixteen weeks. This includes thirteen weeks of instruction and an examination period which lasts three weeks. 


How long does it take to complete the DBA Undergraduate Programme?

The Undergraduate Programme lasts eight (8) semesters or four (4) academic years. The period of study equals the minimum number of semesters required for the degree, according to the Department’s Programme of Study, plus four semesters. For the DBA the length of studies is twelve (12) semesters or six (6) years.


Question: How is the academic calendar structured?

The academic year starts on 1st September and ends on 31st August. Teaching is divided into two semesters (winter and spring). The winter semester timetable is announced by the end of the first week of September. The spring semester timetable is announced by the end of the 1st week of February.


Question: How is the academic calendar structured?

The Senate sets the academic calendar dates each year. The Department Assembly can change the Senate’s decision, if necessary. It is noted that the Department’s decision is posted on the Department's website.


Question: What is the policy on lecture rescheduling?

Lectures that have been cancelled due to Assembly Meetings or student events must be rescheduled. For this purpose the student union should inform the President and the Department's Curriculum Committee in writing at least two days in advance. Then the President and the Committee inform the instructor(s) about the time and venue of the event and together they find a new date and venue for the lecture. 


Question: How can I register or renew my registration in the Department of Business Administration? 

Students are required to register at the beginning of each semester. The registration dates are set by the Department Assembly, posted on the Department's website and announced by the Secretariat. Students are required to select and register for the courses they wish to attend each semester. Both student registration and course registration are necessary every semester. Students can renew their registration through the Electronic Secretariat Service (


Question: What is the policy on course registration?

All students are required to register for courses every semester, so that they can attend lectures, get free textbooks and participate in the exams. Students are required to register every semester according to the DBA Programme of Studies. Course registration is through the above-mentioned electronic system. First-year students do not need to register for courses in the first semester (this is done automatically after their registration). Please note that all students are required to register for courses during the period specified. Late registration is not permitted.


Question: How can students participate in the exam?

To participate in an exam, students must be registered for the particular course in the specific semester.


Question: How can students select the textbooks for their courses they have registered for?

Students can select textbooks for their courses through the EVDOXOS service (,provided by the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. The deadline is set by the DBA Assembly each academic semester and cannot exceed the period announced by the Evdoxos service. To select textbooks, students must have a University of Thessaly account. Students receive this account after their registration. For more information, please visit the University of Thessaly webpage.


Question: How can students withdraw from studies?

Οι φοιτητές/τριες έχουν το δικαίωμα να διακόψουν, με έγγραφη αίτησή τους στην Κοσμητεία της Σχολής Οικονομικών και Διοικητικών Επιστημών  τη φοίτησή τους  για χρονική περίοδο που δεν υπερβαίνει τα δύο (2) έτη. Η φοιτητική ιδιότητα αναστέλλεται κατά το χρόνο διακοπής της φοίτησης. Στην αίτηση πρέπει να αναγράφεται το ακριβές διάστημα αναστολής. Τα εξάμηνα αυτά δεν προσμετρούνται στην παραπάνω ανώτατη διάρκεια φοίτησης. Μετά τη λήξη της διακοπής οι φοιτητές/τριες επανέρχονται και εντάσσονται ξανά στο Τμήμα. Ενδιάμεσα, οι φοιτητές/τριες έχουν το δικαίωμα με δικαιολογημένη έγγραφη αίτησή τους στη Γραμματεία του ΤΔΕ να διακόψουν την αναστολή της φοίτησής τους στην αρχή του εκάστοτε εξαμήνου.


Question: How can students withdraw from studies?

Students can withdraw from their studies after submitting their application to the Secretariat. The following documents must be submitted:

  •         Withdrawal from Studies application (it can be found in the Secretariat Office and the Department’s website)
  •         Confirmation from the University Accommodation office and the University Library that there are not any outstanding fees.  
  •         Students are required to return their student pass, student ID card and health insurance card to the Secretariat Office.  


Question: How are undergraduate students assessed?

Students’ performance is assessed using the 0-10 grading system. 10 is the highest mark -Excellent and 5 is the lowest passing grade. The 0-10 scale used for all undergraduate courses is the following:

8,50 – 10: Excellent

7,00 – 8,49: Very good

6,00 – 6,99: Good

5,00 – 5,99: Fair

0,0 – 4,99: Fail


Question: How is the overall grade calculated?

A ten-point scale is used, where 10 is the highest mark- Excellent and 5 is the minimum passing score. The average score is calculated by multiplying the grade achieved by the number of ECTS for each course. The numbers are added together and then divided by the sum of the ECTS that the student has attained and which are required for the award of the undergraduate degree.


Question: Are courses from other Universities or other Departments recognised?

Transfer students from other Universities or Departments of the same University have the right to apply for courses recognition. They need to submit the following together with their application a) the courses offered at the previous University, along with course descriptions b) similar courses offered at the Department. Students who wish to apply for the recognition of courses that they have completed at a different Department must submit the following:

a. An application form describing the courses completed at the other University (excluding Master’s courses) and wish to get exemption from. The courses must be similar to specific courses of our Department(~80% of material covered) 

b. A certified Study Guide issued by the other University, which includes a summary of the courses that the student wishes to get exemption from. 

c. A certified academic transcript issued by the other Department


Question: What is the Diploma Supplement?

The University of Thessaly provides all undergraduate and postgraduate students with the Diploma Supplement, which is a form of certification that the University of Thessaly implements the European ECTS system. The Diploma Supplement is given to all students and provides information regarding the study program (e.g. the courses that have been successfully completed, etc.), in Greek and English. The Diploma Supplement allows students to apply for postgraduate courses in Greek or foreign universities, without having to provide any other official translation.


Question: When do students complete their studies?

Students complete their studies and are awarded the degree after successful completion of the courses offered by the Department and attainment of the required credits. 


Question: What do students need to do in order to graduate?

Students are required to submit the following supporting documents no later than two (2) months after completion of their studies:

  •         • Confirmation from the Student Accommodation that the student does not have any outstanding fees
  •         • Confirmation from the University Library that the student does not have outstanding fees and that they have submitted their thesis (if applicable)
  •         Students are required to return their student pass, student ID card and health insurance card to the Secretariat Office.

Students will get a document confirming the above from the Secretariat. Students can then apply for graduation to the Secretariat on the dates announced on the Department's website, by submitting the "Graduation Application form" which is issued by the Secretariat and is available on the department's website


Question: What is the ECTS?

Each course is equivalent to a number of credits as the University of Thessaly uses the ECTS (European Credit and Accumulation Transfer System), which is used in all European universities. Each credit unit in the ECTS system corresponds to at least 25 hours of workload per semester. For example, a course that has 6 teaching units requires 150 hours of workload per semester, which includes lectures, exams, the time required to prepare for exams, the time required to properly prepare for the course, etc. In general, courses are equivalent to 5-6 credits, while the foreign language course is equivalent to 2 credits. For more information, please see the Department’s Programme of Study. 


Question: Who decides on the structure of the DBA Programme of Studies?

It is decided by the Assembly of the DBA of UTh. The detailed Programme of Studies is attached as an appendix to the existing regulation.


Question: What type of courses does the Department’s Programme of Studies include?

The Programme of Studies includes the following type of courses:

  •         • General Knowledge Courses: Although such courses do not directly focus on the specific field, they provide students with scientific knowledge that will enable them to understand topics that are directly related to their field. This category also includes courses that focus on students’ broader education as graduates and citizens.
  •         • Core Courses: These are courses that focus on scientific areas that are directly included in the Study Programme.
  •         • Specialised Courses: Courses directly related to specialised scientific areas, which are directly included in the Programme of Studies and aim to provide specialised scientific knowledge.


Question: What are prerequisite courses?

To successfully complete the undergraduate study cycle, students are required to successfully complete a certain number of the compulsory courses listed in the study program as prerequisites. The number is referred to in the official Programme of Studies. In 2021-2022 the number of prerequisite courses was 7.


Question: When do students write their Bachelor thesis?

Students write their Bachelor thesis in the eighth semester. It takes at least one semester to complete it. 


Question: How are the topics selected and assigned?

The topics are selected at the beginning of each academic year by the DBA Assembly. By the end of November, the students are required to discuss the proposed topics with the supervisors and make a list of topics in order of preference (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc). 


Question: How long does it take to complete a thesis?

The Bachelor's thesis is usually conducted at the DBA Laboratories. Students should work on their thesis consistently and intensively. The Bachelor's thesis is conducted during the spring semester until June 1st. This is the minimum period allowed and can be automatically extended until September 30 if the Supervisor thinks that an extension will improve the thesis.


Question: When is a Bachelor’s thesis considered to be completed and how is it assessed?

A Bachelor's thesis is considered completed when the supervisor confirms that it has been written and submitted to the supervisor. The final grade is the average of the three grades given by the members of the examination committee. If a thesis receives a Fail grade, the student has the right to request either a change of topic or an extension until the next graduation period in order to improve the thesis.  


Question: Who owns the copyright to the Thesis?

The Bachelor's thesis is the result of collaboration between the student and the members of the Teaching and Research Academic Staff of the UTh that supervise it. These natural people also have the copyright to the publications of research results in scientific journals. These publications adhere to the principles of research ethics. 


Question: What are the requirements for the award of a Bachelor’s degree?

The number of credits required for a Bachelor’s degree is 240. It is recommended that credits should be distributed equally per semester. Therefore, students are advised to choose courses equivalent to a total of 30 credits each semester (30 X 25 = 750 hours of workload per semester). Also, it is important to note that students must register for the compulsory courses each semester, otherwise they will not be able to graduate.


Question: What is the role of Study Advisors?

Study Advisors are members of the Teaching and Research Academic Staff, who, share their experience in education and career-related matters voluntarily, and help students meet their educational, professional and personal goals.


Question: How are courses assessed?

Course assessment may include the following criteria: final written exams, written assignments, tests, participation in the class (attendance), etc. Instructors decide on the importance of each criterion for their courses. This is outlined in the course description and shared with students at the beginning of the semester.


Question: How is the examination period determined each academic year?

The duration of the examination period is determined by the University Senate and then confirmed by the Department Assembly at the beginning of each academic year. Changes can only be made by the Senate, following a proposal made by Department Assembly. The exam schedule is confirmed before the exam period by the Department Assembly and includes the date, place and time of the exam for each course.


Question: How are students with learning difficulties examined?

The examination process for students with learning difficulties is in accordance with existing legislation and the relevant decisions by the Department.


Question: Who can participate in the exams?

Only students who have registered for the course have the right to participate in the exams in that particular semester.


Question: What are the responsibilities of examinees?

Examinees must arrive at the designated examination room no later than 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Students are allowed to enter the examination room after the invigilators have entered the room. The invigilators will direct students to their seats. On the day of the exam, students are required to have a document verifying their identity (their student ID (pass) and/or their ID card). The student ID and/or the ID card should remain on the desk throughout the exams so that identification check can be carried out without distracting the examinees. If a student fails to do so, he/she will not be able to participate in the exam. If the name of the examinee is not the same as the name of the student who submits the answer sheet, the matter will be reported to the Department's Student Affairs Committee and legal action will be taken. Examinees are required to write their details on all the paper used (question paper, answer sheets and all extra paper used). Examinees are required to write their name and details as soon as they receive the question paper and sheets. 


Question: What happens if a student engages in inappropriate behaviour during the exams?

If a student engages in inappropriate behaviour (including, for example, cheating, forged identity card, insulting an invigilator or an examiner), the matter is reported to the Student Affairs Committee. The Committee recommends a course of action to the Assembly. The Assembly sends all the information to the President for disciplinary control and imposition of sanctions.


Question: What is Erasmus+?

The Erasmus+ programme for higher education supports the mobility of students of all study cycles, teachers for teaching purposes and staff for training purposes in European Universities. According to the mobility regulation, the Erasmus+ programme provides students with a scholarship in order to cover the additional costs during their stay abroad, exemption from tuition fees and recognition of the study period at the foreign university. Details regarding the conditions for participation and the eligibility of participants are available at: 


Question: Qualifying Exams

The percentage (of the number of admitted students) of graduates in the Department is 12% of the newly admitted students per academic year. Successful candidates are admitted directly in the 2nd year of studies. Detailed information on the courses, exam material, Qualifying Committee and examiners are listed on the department's website.


The percentage (of the number of admitted students) of graduates in the Department is 12% of the newly admitted students per academic year. Successful candidates are admitted directly in the 2nd year of studies. Detailed information on the courses, exam material, Qualifying Committee and examiners are listed on the department's website.

The Department offers two Postgraduate Programmes (MBA and Master’s in Agile Management Methods) and participates in the Joint Entrepreneurship Studies Programme, together with the Department of Economic Sciences. Regulations are posted on the DBA website here..


Question: What Doctoral Programmes does the Department of Business Administration offer?;

The Department of Business Administration offers a doctoral study programme, specialising in the main academic areas of the Department. See the Doctoral Studies Regulations here..


Question: What are the selection criteria?

To apply for the PhD programme, students need to:
- have a postgraduate degree from a Greek university, or
- have a postgraduate degree from a foreign university recognized (by DOATAP) as equivalent to those of Greek universities, or
- have an integrated Master’s degree, obtained after successful completion of the first cycle of studies, organized in University Departments, with a duration of at least ten (10) academic semesters (mandatory semesters for receiving a degree according to the Programme of Study).

Greek graduates are required to have at least sufficient knowledge of English and have a C1 level certificate, while foreign students are required have sufficient knowledge of Greek. Apart from the requirements listed above, the following basic and additional criteria are taken into account:

Basic Criteria
i. Bachelor degree grade and Master's degree grade.
ii. Master's dissertation – if applicable

iii. Foreign languages certificates

iv. Any research activity published in scientific journals and/or scientific conferences and/or participation in research programmes.

v. PhD thesis proposal

Additional Criteria
i. Two recent letters of recommendation
ii. Scholarships
iii. Στοιχεία του βιογραφικού σημειώματος του υποψηφίου που καταδεικνύουν την επαγγελματική του εμπειρία.
iv. Other degrees.


Question: How are candidates selected?;

1. During each Academic year, candidates who are interested in pursuing Doctoral Studies can submit an application to the DBA Secretariat. In the application, the following should be included: - The proposed title of the Doctoral thesis. - The language of the Doctoral thesis (Greek or English). - The proposed supervising professor, who must be a member of the Teaching and Research Academic Staff at the DBA.

Along with this application, candidates are required to submit all the supporting documents described in article 2.

2. The Evaluation and Slection Committee completes the qualifications check and the Candidate is invited to an interview. The Evaluation and Selection Committee meets 3 times a year (October, Fe-
bruary and June).
3. In the final stage, the Evaluation and Selection Committee makes a recommendation to the DBA Assembly which takes the final decision. The Assembly determines whether the candidate meets the requirements for conducting a PhD thesis and appoints a three-member Advisory Committee. One member of the Committee is the Supervisor and must be a Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor at the DBA, in the same or a related subject area. The remaining two members participating in the Committee must be members of the Teaching and Research Academic Staff at the same or another University in Greece or foreign University or researchers in Greece or abroad, in the same or related subject area. Each member of the Teaching and Research Academic Staff can supervise up to five (5) PhD candidates.


Question: Does the Department of Business Administration offer postdoctoral studies?

In accordance with existing legislation and the provisions for the promotion of research, the Department of Business Administration can offer post-doctoral level studies in subject areas related to the Department’s areas of research interests. Candidates for post-doctoral studies or post-doctoral research must hold a Doctoral Degree from a Greek University or an equivalent degree recognised by D.O.A.T.A.P. from a foreign University in subject areas related to the Department’s subject areas. More information can be seen here.


Ερώτηση: Ποιοί έχουν δικαίωμα υποβολής αίτησης εκπόνησης μεταδιδακτορικής έρευνας στο Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Π.Θ.;

The Department of Business Administration welcomes applications for postdoctoral research throughout the year. The researcher is required to submit an application to the Department Assembly. The requirements are the following:

  1. 1. Candidates must have a strong academic qualifications and a strong academic profile,
  2. 2. Their proposal must be acceptable and in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the present Regulation.

Additionally, a call for expressions of interest for Postdoctoral Research can also be announced and published, approved by the Department Assembly, following a Professor’s recommendation.


Question: Who can apply for postdoctoral research at the Department of Business Administration, University of Thessaly?;

Candidates that are interested in conducting postdoctoral research are required to submit the following supporting documents to the Secretariat of the Department of BA:

  1. An application form stating the subject area of the study and the name of the prospective supervisor (TEMPLATE A).
  2. A Curriculum Vitae.
  3. A Copy of a Higher Education degree from a Greek University or a recognised foreign University.
  4. A copy of the PhD degree (recognised by DOATAP if the degree is from a foreign University).
  5. A foreign language certificate.
  6. A list of publications. At least two (2) of them should be published in international journals (SCOPUS indexed with Impact Factor).
  7. At least two (2) reference letters from a professor at a Greek or foreign university or from a researcher, who must be a PhD holder, at a recognized research centre in Greece or abroad.
  8. Α research proposal, which outlines the aim of the postdoctoral study, the research area, the methodology that will be used, the Department’s laboratory equipment or facilities that will be used, relevant literature review, timeline for the completion of the research project, and a description of deliverables after the completion of the study, including at least two publications in international scientific journals or conferences (TEMPLATE B).
  9. Supervisor’s confirmation that he/she agrees to supervise the research project.
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