Department of Business Administration

The Academic Advisor informs and advises students on the following:

a) facilitating the transition of first-year students from secondary to higher education.

b) Course content, participating in hands-on workshops, using the department's laboratories, difficulties, course assessment, encouraging students to participate in midterm exams, tests, exercises, supplementary teaching with additional tutorials, etc. which help students to understand and successfully complete courses that they find challenging.

c) Content of compulsory and elective courses, preventing exam failure, discussion with the students so that they can choose the right courses based on their personal interests, skills and abilities.

δ) Αντιστοιχήσεις μαθημάτων παλιού και νέου προγράμματος σπουδών, αριθμό επιλεγόμενων μαθημάτων ανά εξάμηνο, δυνατότητα εξέτασης των μαθημάτων σε κάθε εξεταστική, διάρκεια φοίτησης, προμήθεια εγχειριδίων κ.ά.

e) Discussion of exam results.

f) Choice of thesis topic or other assignments.

g) Postgraduate studies (at the Department, in Greece and abroad).

h) Career prospects (opportunities in the public or private sector, freelance, job opportunities abroad).

Discussing family, personal or other matters that may interfere with studies. j) Information about the services offered to students by the University of Thessaly, such as the Student Welfare Office, the Student’s Advocate, DASTA, DOSYP, the Internship Office.

ι) Ενημέρωση σχετικά με τις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει το Π.Θ. στους φοιτητές του.

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