Department of Business Administration

Quantitative Μethods

Department of Business Administration

Course outline

(1)    General Information:


Economics & Social Sciences


Business Administration

Level of Studies


Course code




Course title

Quantitative Methods


Weekly teaching hours






Type of course

Prerequisite course

Language of instruction and exams


The course is offered to Erasmus students

Course URL

(2)    Learning outcomes:

Learning outcomes


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  • The use of regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of an independent variable.
  • Evaluating the assumptions of regression analysis and what to do if they are violated.
  • Inferring the slope and correlation coefficient.
  • The development of multiple regression models.
  • The interpretation of its coefficients.
  • Determining which independent variables to include in a multiple regression model.
  • The use of categorical independent variables in a multiple regression model.
  • The description of the basic steps to be followed in each forecasting process.
  • The presentation of methodological tools for the preliminary investigation of numerical data and for checking the validity and reliability of prediction results.
  • Understanding of the most important forecasting methods.
  • The acquisition of knowledge about the general structure of Linear Programming problems and the necessary conditions for modeling a business problem in the form of Linear Programming.
  • Understanding the optimization mechanism in Linear Programming problems and identifying and interpreting the key elements of the process.
  • Understanding the process of sensitivity analysis and how to apply it to Linear Programming problems, as well as drawing key conclusions and evaluating them in decision making.
  • The perception of the main characteristics of a problem that is solved by applying the dynamic programming methodology.
  • Performing the calculations required to implement the dynamic programming algorithm.
  • Understanding the principle of sub-optimization to the extent that results obtained from the dynamic programming algorithm solution process can be interpreted.
  • The description of the main elements of the costs related to the management of the stocks and the determination of the factors that influence it.
  • The formulation of the analytical form of inventory management costs according to the operation mode of an inventory management system.
  • The explanation in business terms of the optimal inventory policy in terms of its effects on orders of raw materials, products, production schedules, etc.
  • Understanding the link between the financial optimization of inventory costs and the level of customer service.

General Skills

  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
  • Adaptation to new situations
  • Decision making
  • Autonomous work
  • Teamwork



  • Simple and multiple linear regression (hypothesis tests, residual analysis and model adequacy testing, model use for predictions),
  • Time series and forecasting (trend analysis, simple moving averages, exponential smoothing, decomposing time series with seasonality, measures evaluating forecast accuracy),
  • Graphical solution of a two-variable linear programming model – sensitivity analysis,
  • Causal dynamic programming, Causal inventory models.







Use of information and communication technologies in teaching, laboratory education, communication with students. Electronic communication with students, learning-process support through the “e-class” online platform. eclass.





13 weeks * 3 hours = 39 hours

Home Study:

Continuous study of teaching notes and suggested bibliography is required (estimated 4 hours study requirement for each teaching unit), 13 weeks * 4 hours = 52 hours.εκτιμάται η απαίτηση 4ωρών μελέτης για κάθε διδακτική ενότητα), 13 εβδομάδες * 4 ώρες = 52 ώρες.

Submission of research paper - Problem Solving

After completing each module in theory, individual tasks are given to solve specific problems that facilitate a better understanding of the course (13 weeks * 2 hours = 26 hours).

Use of software

Emphasis on the interpretation of the calculations of the above problems will be given using software (13 weeks * 2 hours = 26 hours).

Final Examination

Written exam (3 hours).

Course Total Effort

146 ώρες


The Final grade of the course results from 70% of the final written exams, while the remaining 30% results from the individual assignments.



    • Εισαγωγή στη Διοικητική Επιστήμη, TaylorBernardIII
    • Στατιστική: Βασικές Αρχές με Έμφαση στην Οικονομία και τις Επιχειρήσεις, LevineDavid, SzabatKathryn, StephanDavid
    • Επιχειρησιακή Έρευνα, Παντελής, Υψηλάντης
    • Διοίκηση παραγωγικών συστημάτων, Δημητριάδης Σωτήριος Γ., Μιχιώτης Αθανάσιος Ν.


    • Hogg,R.V. and Tanis,E.A., Probability and Statistical Inference, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition, 2015.
    • Aczel, A. D. and Sounderpandian, J., Complete Business Statistics, McGraw – Hill & Irwin, 2012.

o   Doane, D., Seward, L., Applied Statistics in Business & Economics, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition, 2021.

o  Hillier F. and Lieberman G., “Introduction to Operations Research”, 11th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2021

o  JOHN A., LAWRENCE, JR. BARRY A. PASTERNACK, “Applied Management Science” A Computer-Integrated Approach for Decision Making, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 2002

o  JOHN A., LAWRENCE, JR.  BARRY A. PASTERNACK, “Applied Management Science: Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making”, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.

o  Wild R., “Production and Operations Management”, 5th edition, Cassel, 1998.

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