Department of Business Administration

Business Analytics

Department of Business Administration

(Government Gazette: 2888/Β/08.06.2022) 1125/Β/14.03.2021)

Mission, expediency and targeting of the Business Analytics Laboratory of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Thessaly 

A. General Information

The Business Analytics Research Lab (BAL) focuses on scientific activities that transform business information to knowledge, in order to improve decision-making in companies and organizations. Its members -researchers and students- will use a variety of computational and statistical methods to investigate business and organizational management issues.

BAL is based on the estimation that the organizations will be radically transformed with data science and business analytics, which results to fundamental changes about how the enterprises manage people, operations and marketing processes. The aim of BAL is to develop research of broad impact in collaboration with organizations that will follow this future direction.

BAL works with the organizations' managers and people that recognize problems and changes in their environments, and use datasets to address them.

B. Target of the Laboratory

Based on the above, the BAL's objectives are the following: Εργαστηρίου Επιχειρηματικής Αναλυτικής είναι οι ακόλουθοι:


      1. The production of knowledge in the fields of data science, business analytics and business intelligence.

      1. Develop synergies between business-focused academics and data science experts.

      1. The development of cutting-edge research about how business analytics, data and artificial intelligence transform businesses, organizations and society.

    C. Target Groups

    Το The BAL's research activities are oriented to: απευθύνεται:


        1. To academics who work in the fields of data science, business administration and economics, artificial intelligence and information technology in general, biochemistry and biotechnology, medicine, urban planning, and scientists that produce research data.

        1. To companies and organizations that produce data and can use them to make evidence-based decisions.

      1. To research centers that operate in the BAL's scientific domains.



      The Laboratory was established pursuant to Government Gazette 1125/Β/14.03.2021. Dimitris Tselios, Associate Professor, was appointed Head, after his election, Government Gazette 432/ΥΟΔΔ/26.05.21.




      Business Analytics Research Laboratory Regulations, Department of Business Administration, School of Economics & Business Administration, University of Thessaly



       In accordance with current legislation andprovisions, the Department of Business Administration can establish and operate research laboratories that focus on its subject and research area, in order to promote its research.

      Article 1


      The Laboratory “Business Analytics Laboratory” is established in the Department of Business Administration (DBA), School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Thessaly. Its aim is to support teaching and research needs in the subject areas of Business Analytics, Business Intelligence and relevant fields.

       Article 2

      Internal Regulation

      The present Internal Regulation determines the operation of the Laboratory, as outlined in the following articles.

       Article 3

      Mission- Aim, Activities

      Το Εργαστήριο καλύπτει εκπαιδευτικές και ερευνητικές ανάγκες του Τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων στο χώρο  της Επιχειρηματικής Αναλυτικής και Ευφυΐας. Το Εργαστήριο Επιχειρηματικής Αναλυτικής ασχολείται με τα γνωστικά αντικείμενα της επιστήμης δεδομένων, της ανάλυσης δεδομένων, της λήψης αποφάσεων βασισμένων σε τεκμήρια, της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και γενικότερα της «ευφυΐας» στην επιστήμη της Διοίκησης, συνδυαστικά με την επιστήμη των υπολογιστών.

       More specifically, the objectives of the Laboratory are the following:


      •          Education (theoretical and practical training) at undergraduate and postgraduate level, focusing on business analytics, business intelligence, data science, data analytics, digital transformation for business and organisations, evidence-based decision making and artificial intelligence in businesses.
      •          Supporting other Departments of the University of Thessaly or other Universities’ undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, when possible and if requested by these Departments.
      • Supporting doctoral and postdoctoral research


      •          Cooperation with Greek and foreign academic institutions, research centres and other scientific bodies in areas and topics of common interest
      •          Conducting research and research programs either independently or in collaboration with other institutions or Higher Education Institutions (in Greece or abroad)
      •          Organising tasks, lectures, seminars, conferences, and other meetings and events with Greek and foreign experts in Business Intelligence.
      •          Collecting, storing, processing and publishing research data
      •          Developing a network with the aim of accessing potential research participants


      •          Data analysis and data visualisation for businesses and organisations  
      •          Producing and publishing educational material and publications in the form of books, articles or journals.
      •          Collaborating with organisations focusing on open source software, open data and games focusing on intelligence and data.
      •          Cooperation with organisations / bodies that create and use data.  
      •          Providing consultation on issues related to the subject areas in accordance with the current legislation
      • Providing open data and platforms for the provision of data and analytics
      • Raising awareness, training, specialised training on topics related to producing, processing, analysing data and decision-making for organisations in the broader community.
      • Collaborating with scientific organisations and and associations focusing on Data Science and Business Intelligence in Greece and abroad

      Article 4


      The Laboratory staff shall be members of the University Academic staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Special Teaching staff, Special Technical Research staff, and Αdministrative staff of the Department of Business Administration and the School of Economics and Business Administration. The above-mentioned staff already work at the University of Thessaly (eg Academic staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Administrative staff) and therefore, no additional expenditure for employee salaries is required.Το ανωτέρω προσωπικό υπηρετεί ήδη στο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας (π.χ. μέλη ΔΕΠ/ΕΔΙΠ, διοικητικό προσωπικό) και επομένως, δεν θα απαιτηθεί πρόσθετη δαπάνη για μισθούς υπαλλήλων.

      Article 5

      Administration- Duties

      1.     The Head of the Business Analytics Laboratory is a member of the DBA Academic staff that is elected in accordance with article 29, Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114/04.08.2017, Issue Α΄), the provisions of article 115, Law 4692/20 (Government Gazette 111/Α/12-6-2020) and the Ministerial order number 77561/Ζ1/19.6.2020 (Government Gazette 2481/Β/22-6-2020).
      2.     The Head is replaced, in case of absence, leave or other circumstances, by a member of the Academic staff with a related subject area, and in particular by the most senior member of the Academic staff starting from the first academic rank to the academic rank of Assistant Professor.
      3.     The Head has the responsibilities defined in article 7 of Law 1268/1982 (Government Gazette 87/16.07.1982, Issue A) along with the provisions of paragraph 5a of article 80 of Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/06.09.2011, Issue. A) and additionally:
      •          coordinates the Laboratory’s educational and research work
      •          is responsible for managing the Laboratory’s finances
      •          ensures that the Laboratory has the staff required, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation
      •          is responsible for representing the Laboratory in the competent bodies of the UTh and elsewhere in Greece or abroad
      •          is responsible for the allocation of the Laboratory space
      •          submits an annual report of the Laboratory's activities
      •          εισηγείται στο Τμήμα την προμήθεια του απαραίτητου υλικοτεχνικού εξοπλισμού και την αποκατάσταση διαπιστωμένων ελλείψεων ή βλαβών, και, στην περίπτωση που κάτι τέτοιο δεν είναι εφικτό από το Τμήμα ή το ΠΘ, αξιοποιεί κάθε διαθέσιμη νόμιμη (δημόσια ή ιδιωτική) πηγή  χρηματοδότησης (της ημεδαπής ή της αλλοδαπής)
      •          makes recommendations to the Department regarding those responsible for supplies and the installation, maintenance, and repair of damaged equipment
      •          appoints one of the members of the Laboratory as Deputy Head in case of leave, absence or other circumstances
      •          supervises the Laboratory Staff
      •          signs every document used by the Laboratory and, in general, is responsible for the regular and efficient operation of the Laboratory.

       Article 6

      Facilities- Equipment

      1.     The Business Analytics Laboratory operates during opening times, in accordance with the University of Thessaly Regulations in the space allocated for the installation of the equipment necessary to support the Laboratory’s teaching, research aims and relevant activities.
      2.     The Laboratory will be based on the premises of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Thessaly, and more specifically room 5 of the 1stου floor and offices 14 and 15 of the Basement of the Business Administration - Digital Systems building. In addition, the Laboratory will also share room 1 on the ground floor of the Business Administration - Accounting and Finance building.
      3.     A sign will be placed with the title of the Laboratory, in the following format and alignment:

      Department of Business Administration

      The BAL's research activities are oriented to:

      1. The Laboratory will be equipped with the Department’s equipment and materials. 

       Article 7

      Regulations for the Operation of the Laboratory

      1.        The Head must be informed prior to the commencement of any task that takes place in the Laboratory for the purposes of a research program or other project/ action and/or meeting that has been decided and approved, and determines the priority for the use of the Laboratory and equipment, if no relevant decision has been made.
      2.        The Head is responsible for the operation of the Laboratory, the use of its equipment, the presence of individuals (staff, students, visitors) in the Laboratory, the observance of health and safety rules, as well as the protection of equipment and facilities.
      3.        Only the Laboratory staff or other researchers authorized by the Head are allowed to use the Laboratory’s equipment.
      4.        The equipment given for educational and research project purposes shall be returned in the same condition as when received.
      5.        In the event of damage or loss, the person to whom the equipment was given is responsible for there pair.
      6.        The DBA Assembly can amend the “Business Analytics Research Laboratory Regulations”, so that it can adequately respond to the Laboratory’s educational and research needs.

       Article 8


      1.     The Business Analytics Laboratory operates with its own income sources and does not use the University’s budget or funding (Article 96, Law 4310/2014, Government Gazette 258/08.12.2014, Issue. Α΄, as added to Article 80, Law 4009/2011, Government Gazette 195/06.09.2011, Issue. Α and applicable to Article 60 Law 4386/2016, Government Gazette 83/11.05.2016, Issue. Α΄).
      2.     The Laboratory income comes from:

      a) bequests, donations and any other kind of financial support from natural and legal persons inGreece or abroad passedon to the UTh for Laboratory’saims.

      b) participation in Greek, European or international programmes

      γ) την παροχή υπηρεσιών σύμφωνα με το Άρθρο 1, παράγραφος 1 και τα Άρθρα 2 και 3  του ΠΔ 159/1984 (ΦΕΚ 53/27.04.1984, τ. Α΄)

      d) providing educational, research and generally scientific products and services

      e) organising conferences, training programmes, seminars, workshops, symposia and summer schools

      f) contributions and funding from international organisations, public or private companies and legal ot natural personals in Greece or abroad.

      g) Conducting research, educational, training and other scientific events for the Laboratory or third party (e.g. First and Second level Local Authorities, NGO, other Greek or foreign HEI etc) and

      h)Other legal sources.

       Article 9

      Maintaining records

      1.     The Business Analytics Laboratory keeps the following books, records and documents (electronic or/and printed form):

      a) A protocol for incoming and outgoing correspondence (printed or electronic)

      b) A record of annual financial data

      c) A record of assets

      d) A list of books, journals and other printed or electronic material and equipment records

      e) A record of research programmes

      f) A record of the Staff’s academic activities

      g) A record of employees

      1.     Other books or records, in electronic or printed form may also be kept, if deemed necessary for the operation of Laboratory, after the Head’s approval.

       Article 10

      Title- Stamp

      1.     The title of the Lab is «Εργαστήριο Επιχειρηματικής Αναλυτικής», translated into English as “Business Analytics Laboratory” and is included in all its documents. 
      2.     For the best possible and coherent promotion of its scientific work and activities, the Laboratory will use its visual identity (banner/logo) either in Greek or English on the documents and its communications in Greece and abroad.
      3.     The Head is responsible for the Laboratory logo. The Head can assign the task of the creation of the logo (in Greek and English) to natural persons or agencies (eg. creative agencies) in Greece and/ or abroad.
      4.     Το Εργαστήριο θα χρησιμοποιεί για τα έγγραφα, την αλληλογραφία του και την εν γένει επικοινωνία του στην ημεδαπή στρογγυλή σφραγίδα, όμοια με αυτή του ΤΔΕ και με την προσθήκη του τίτλου του. Ανάλογη σφραγίδα με τα στοιχεία στην αγγλική γλώσσα θα χρησιμοποιεί το Εργαστήριο για τα έγγραφα, την αλληλογραφία του και την εν γένει επικοινωνία του  με την αλλοδαπή.

       Article 11

      Code of conduct

      The Laboratory activities comply with the University of Thessaly Code of conduct, especially with regards to research ethics.

       Article 12

      Entry into force

      This regulation comes into force following its publication in the Government Gazette.




      • Data analysis and data visualisation for businesses and organisations 
      • Producing and publishing educational material and publications in the form of books, articles or journals.
      • Providing open data and platforms for the provision of data and analytics
      • Raising awareness, training, specialised training on topics related to producing, processing, analysing data and decision-making for organisations in the broader community.


      en_GBEnglish (UK)